Final EIS Phase: Seattle Alternative 6 Comment Helper

A Seattle Comprehensive Plan madlibs customizable by you. A project of Share The Cities.


There are 3 important places to send comments during this Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) phase of Seattle's 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update.

Follow the steps below (in order of easiest to hardest) to comment in all 3 places. Don't worry if you only have time for 1 or 2 of the steps!

  • Step 1: fill in the blanks in the comment generator below to write a comment and then submit it to the Zoning Updates General Comments Form.
  • Step 2: add a bit of pre-written text to the comment you already generated in Step 1 and email it to the mayor and city council.
  • Step 3: add comments to specific areas on the Zoning Updates Interactive Web Map
Our statement: We still believe that the City of Seattle’s overall strategy in this plan is to put almost all new neighbors near or along arterials (loud, polluted high-speed roads), while leaving many of the underpopulated areas of the city off limits to more efficient and sustainable types of housing. Instead of imagining a future with more transit options and homes near our largest parks, they’ve doubled down on historical patterns of racist and classist exclusion. Their plan ignores the ongoing dual climate and housing emergencies, so let’s take this opportunity to let them know what we think of it!

Step 1: Generate comment & submit to Zoning Updates General Comments Form

Go to Zoning Updates General Comments Form

A. Choose answer to "What topic does your comment address?"
Select "The rezone proposal in general"

B. Generate answer to "What do you like about the current proposal?"

I like

select any from below


C. Generate answer to "What changes to the proposal would you like to see?"
select any from below


Submit comment to Zoning Updates General Comments Form

Make any edits or additions in the boxes above, then copy-paste to submit your feedback to the city!

Step 2: Personalize comment & send to mayor, city council

Edit the very beginning and very end of the text box, between the <PLACEHOLDERS> to add your name, neighborhood, and personal stories about your housing experience.

Send email to Mayor Harrell, City Council

Copy paste the full text above into a new email to Mayor Harrell and City Council at these two emails:,

As a final step, be sure to come up with a catchy subject line for the email! We’ve heard that if you use the same email subject as others, they count the email as a “form letter,” but if you have a unique subject line, that’s less likely.

Note: All emails sent to public officials are part of the public record, and can be requested by journalists or members of the public.

Step 3: Add comments to specific areas on the Zoning Updates Interactive Web Map

Go to the Interactive Web Map

There are a few goals for Interactive Web Map comments:

  1. To tell the city that you would like to see more vibrant, dense, and accessible communities wherever you live.
  2. To tell the city that more people deserve to live in wealthy, exclusionary neighborhoods that have traditionally pushed out and priced out their neighbors.
  3. To tell the city that you would like more housing in larger areas around big parks, frequent transit, bike lanes, stay healthy/low-traffic streets, and streets with sidewalks.

We suggest zooming into the above areas of interest on the map and adding comments such as the following:

Interactive map comments
  • [EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS ONE FIRST - Zoom in to the Seward Park neighborhood where Bruce Harrell lives] There should be a Neighborhood Center here so that many more people can readily access Seward Park and so that current Seward Park residents can more easily access services without a car.
  • There should be another Neighborhood Center here.
  • This Neighborhood Center should be bigger and encompass a much larger area.
  • This area is within a 15 minute walk of frequent transit and should allow [social housing / highrises / midrises / stores].
  • This area is within a 30 minute walk of a beautiful park and should allow [social housing / highrises / midrises / stores].
  • This area has great bike lanes and sidewalks should allow for [social housing / highrises / midrises / stores].
  • This area should allow for [social housing / highrises / midrises / stores].